The Agreement on freight Train Transfer Inspections facilitates the train handover between partners.
By becoming a co-signatory, you reduce the dwell time caused by inspections during handover and avoid time-consuming bilateral agreement protocol with your current and future partners.

Agreement on freight Train Transfer Inspection enables more agile cross-border operations by introducing ISO sampling for wagon inspections. The rules governing the transfer of wagons between participating railway undertakings are based on the GCU (General Contract of Use for Wagons).

Partaking in ATTI increases your commercial speed, leads to better productivity and optimises your resources.

What advantages do you gain by following ATTI?

  • Standardised quality management system comprising of fixed rules, reporting systems plus measures to be taken in the event of quality-related discrepancies and incidents
  • 3 types of inspections to ensure compliance for the wagon handover:
    • GCU Appendix 9 (technical inspection)
    • RID/IRS 40471-3 (dangerous goods)
    • Operational and wagon data rules and regulations

Discover the power of ATTI in this insightful video. Learn how ATTI has been revolutionising rail freight operations for a decade, enhancing interoperability and competitiveness. Understand the fundamentals of ATTI, its functioning, and the immense value it brings to Railway Undertakings looking to join. Embark on a journey to streamline your rail freight operations with ATTI.

The UIC team is here to assit you with compliance.

UIC Contact
For any further information please contact: Paulo De Freitas

Read more on the ATTI page.

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Wednesday 11 May 2022